Hi! It’s been a while! October is by FAR my busiest month. Everyone is popping out babies, announcing pregnancies, and fitting in family sessions while the Arkansas fall colors are showing off. Other than that, my baby is battling recurrent ear infections and has decided he’d like to party all night err night. With me. Not with my husband. Only with me. I’m not saying I’m drowning, but…send help!
With all the busyness, it’s such a breath of fresh air (sometimes literally) when I get to bust out of the house with my camera. Last week, I visited these sweet friends in the hospital the night after they had their precious baby boy. I know I’ve posted Fresh 48 recently (hellooooo baby season!) but I just cannot get enough. The evening I spent with these friends was so sweet, as the first 48 hours with every baby should be. Mama looked gorgeous and NOT like she had just birthed a baby. Everyone was so calm. Big sis, Bella, was doting on her brother. Baby Cameron made the tiniest peep and Bella immediately started singing “Rock-a-bye Baby.” Magic, I tell you. Pure magic. So here are some of my favorite captures. Enjoy 🙂