Sigh. I cannot even EXPLAIN to you how I almost died of cuteness when meeting this little one at her newborn photos session!
I’ve been (almost) as excited as Mom Jessica and Dad Nate – I had the honor of photographing their pregnancy announcement/gender reveal, and the lovely maternity shoot that followed. You can peep them in my portfolio!
So when I tell you I’ve been waiting to meet this little Bundle of Precious, please believe me!
I arrived at their magazine-worthy home amidst fall drizzles, but it was so cozy and inviting inside. With so much love and excitement in the air, I immediately forgot how gray it was outdoors.
Big Sister, Little Sister
The first thing I saw was Big Sister Annie proudly sporting a monogrammed shirt that matched Baby Eloise’s (I LOVE that name – and just look at the pictures – does it not suit her perfectly?!)
After some family shots, Jessica pulled out a super-small tutu made from…her wedding dress (can you EVEN). Like Annie before her, Little Miss E wore it for pictures.
I swear they are the sweetest family. Nate was born to be a Girl Dad, a title he wears with pride. He even put the bow in Annie’s hair and said he looks forward to learning pig tails. (I anticipate many opportunities for him to practice).
Looking around the scene, it’s clear how much Eloise’s arrival was anticipated by Jessica, Nate, and Annie.
Baby On the Way
Jessica recalls the morning she found out the Big News: “We have been trying for a few months so I knew the earliest I could take a test would be February 11. I woke up before Nate that morning, then took a test. It was positive! I ran into immediately tell him!”
The couple made a point of including Annie every step of the way. They announced her entry into Big Sisterhood with much fanfare and made sure she heard about the baby’s gender the same time they did.
“Our doctor’s nurse called to leave the results on a voicemail so we could find out together,” Jessica shared. There was much speculation on whether a little brother or sister would be joining the party.
Turns out, Nate and Annie had it all figured out. “Both said it was a girl all along. I was convinced it was a boy.”
Precious Eloise
The name practically chose itself. “We have always loved the name Eloise,” said Jessica, stating that the children’s book Eloise At The Plaza served as part of the inspiration.
Just look at this adorable family and try not to swoon.
And when you’re done gushing over these newborn photos, take a look at the sweet bracelets Jessica and Annie are wearing. Jessica’s sister owns Amen Jewelry Design, a handmade jewelry company. Each piece is lovingly handcrafted with prayer that each piece reminds the wearer of God’s love for them. You can check them out on Instagram!
(As if this couldn’t get Any. Sweeter.)